Friday Night Funkin' vs PomPom | FNF Mod | HTML5 Online Port
Friday Night Funkin' vs PomPom is yet another mod for the trending music rhythm game Friday Night Funkin'. The mod pits you against an anthropomorphic female rabbit named PomPom with three brand new songs. Have fun!
The downloadable version of the mod, on which this port is based, is available here. All the credit goes to ArtCarrot_.
P.S. The port may not work properly on Chrome for Mac OS. Use Safari instead.
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its glitchey
a ba she ol/ what the fuck
this is more better
this shit is ass jk the other one was
No notes showing up
I am going to beat you up and when I do I will laugh just like you did
PomPom sort of reminds me of a character you would see in Animal Crossing
cant lie true dat.
thanks for the port!
no arrows showing up for me
I'm sorry. I'm about to rebuild it using the vanilla engine rather than Kade Engine it's based on right now.
what if she was whitty sister? pretty stupid to say i know, but have you noticed one of the arrow moves on the third song, is the SAME EXACT animation as whitty right arrow key?
this what the modre sonic mod look like
this is just a custom but can you do modren sonic mod with b-sides
You mean the skin mod?
plz do it
is my fav mod
It's been already ported (not by me). You can play it here:
but is not modren sonic
can you do lil whitty
but good mod
Thanks for playing!